Thursday, November 19, 2009

Celebration Story From Brandi McBride

I was just thinking about this in church the other day and haven't been able to get it out of my mind. I feel that I should share it and maybe help someone else in this study that we're going through. Recently our small group members have shared with each other that it's been a challenge to keep up with the readings. We've discussed how life sometimes gets in the way and it's just a struggle to do it. Then we feel guilty for not doing the readings and we feel pressured and overwhelmed to get caught back up; it's just a vicious cycle. I've certainly felt like this before too in starting new studies or books. I just know that's the devil at work on us to keep us from the riches God has in store for us. But no matter how we KNOW that to be true, we continue to stumble into the same patterns with each new mountain top experience of God's or new study that we're excited about that then fizzles out a few days into it. Larry agreed that the readings were especially hard during the week with all the measurements of the tabernacle, etc.
Recently I've found that sometimes it's helpful to look around at other people's lives to get a true grasp of our own. Sometimes we just get so caught up in whatever we think is crushing us. Some things we just can't get on top of or in control of and we can't help but let these things get us down until we see what someone else is dealing with. I've felt that a lot recently with my own diagnosis of breast cancer and although I have a lot of issues to deal with, I can still find things that other people are going through that inspire me. This helps me to just keep on moving and deal with whatever little things come my way because we're all dealing with something.
Hopefully this doesn't come across as seeking pity or complaining on my part. I thought it might be that push for some of you who are struggling with finding joy in the reading or who are finding it to be a challenge every day just to get through it. We started this year's long walk through the Bible the very week I started my personal year-long treatment plan for chemotherapy. I think that's pretty cool and probably not a coincidence for whatever God has planned for my life this year. At first, I thought that He just had something He wanted me to specifically learn or refocus on. Or maybe , even though I've read through the Bible before, that I would see it in a new light this time. These might still be the case, but what I'm starting to see is that maybe God knew what my frame of mind would be this time around. Maybe He knew that physically things would not be going well and with each new ailment that comes my way it would start tearing me down little by little. Maybe He understood that I would have a hunger and a thirst for fulfillment that nothing but His word could give me. It seems like too often we search for answers in the things of this world instead of in the Bible. Here we know God has already left us everything we need but, unfortunately, our hearts just aren't into it.
I simply wanted to write a note of encouragement to all of you who are plugging through the reading and maybe aren't finding joy in it or are struggling with getting it done. Like I said, I'm not looking for pity here but I figure God allowed this disease to find me for a reason so I'm trying to let Him use me as He will and I feel like it might help one of you out there to know what an amazing God we serve and how much comfort and complete fulfillment I'm finding going through these readings. I've had to deal with a lot of physical ailments with starting chemotherapy and what some might find psychologically challenging as well, like losing my hair, or keeping up with hard questions from the kiddos around me. Sometimes I just get tired of thinking about it all. And when the usual comforts of going out to eat, or shopping, or watching TV, or whatever it might be for you aren't there, you realize what is there, what has been there the whole time. I can't believe how excited I was about the geneology of Adam to Noah to Abraham. It was like I had never seen it before. God has given us not only a book of instructions and history about where our ancestors came from but a book of tremendous hope and encouragement, of strength and love. It's one of the things that is pushing me through all this other crud that I feel the devil would love to use against me as he attempted to in the book of Job.
So be enouraged! God didn't give us this book or His commandments to make us struggle or feel guilty or overwhelmed by them. These stories of God's love and mercy and His promise of Heaven should be freeing more than anything. It should free us from being bound by sin or the so-called riches of this world or from how we measure up to society's standards, or from the sickness and disease that's all around us. What an amazing God we serve!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Celebration Story From the Havemans

Big miracles DO still happen:
On July 12, 2009 I took our 4 year old daughter Natalie into the emergency room around 7 PM, I thought for some simple antibiotics and a doctor telling me I was an over worried mother. By 10 PM my husband, Eric, had joined us at Zeeland Hospital and we were getting ready to transfer Natalie to DeVos Children's hospital. Natalie had undergone a CAT scan and one round of antibiotics, the doctors were telling us that she had a cyst that needed to be drained, serious but not a big deal. By midnight she was in surgery with our ENT at DeVos Children's hospital and Eric and I were sitting in the waiting room in disbelief. How did we get there? The ENT had told us a lot of different things that it could be, but over all she was a very sick little girl. I wanted to go back in time in my life. I just kept telling God, "You have the wr
ong kid, Lord. Please, not Natalie."

We had just gotten home from a family cruise with 50 family members, where we had the time of our lives. Now we were sitting in a waiting room in the middle of the night praying that our little girl would be OK. I still knew God was good and felt safe that He was in control; through all of this I had peace.

During the night I had emailed my small group and EGM to ask for prayers. I didn't have much information for them but I knew that's what they were there fo
r. The next morning we got a little more news on Natalie's condition and the doctors almost totally ruled out cancer. They told us that she would be in the hospital for 3 days minimum and she would need at least one more surgery. Her condition was very serious and they kept repeating to us how sick she was. I believe with all the prayers for Natilie that she was able to heal more quickly than the doctors thought she would and she ended up leaving the hospital a day early. Miracle #1 was done! The doctors were impressed by her quick healing. An MRI was scheduled for one month later to see how much the cyst would grow and how to go about finding a doctor that was willing to do her tricky surgery. We were told we would have to travel possibly out of state and maybe even to the other side of the country to find a specialist.

Fast forward to the MRI. By this time the doctors told us she had a fist arch branchial cleft cyst that was up against her skull and wedged between the main facial nerve and a blood vessel. When it was swollen it was closing in her throat and the blood vessel. We were told best case scenario for a surgery to take the cyst out was a blood transfusion because they had nicked a blood vessel and worst case the nerve would be severed leaving her with life altering disabilities. This was a dangerous surgery.

We had asked for 2 prayers over the last month, that God would heal her in a way no man could take credit for and that we could praise God that way, or that we could praise God for working through all the medical doctors we were encountering in trying to heal Natalie. We asked God for nothing in between. I believed all along that God was capable of doing both, but I guess I readied myself for the latter.

Natalie did very well during the MRI and had been feeling good so we didn't know what to expect. The doctor ended up calling us a day early with the results. He said, "I have some good news, there is nothing there. We double checked it all and can find nothing." I'll never forget that phone call; my younest child was sick and crying and I could hardly hear the doctor. I asked him to repeat it. He said that the whole team in the ENT doctor's office reviewed her case and can't figure out what happened, not something doctors like to say. He also said the cyst hadn't just collapsed and not filled up again, they can't even find the casing for the cyst. It was truely a miracle! The doctor said that he has never seen anything like it. I told him about our prayers and told him that this was a miracle. The doctors wanted to follow up with Natalie; they were concerned that she would be sick again. I just told him our church, small group, family, friends, people we barely knew, and even some we didn't know had been praying for her. This was a miracle. She will not be sick again from this; that was not our prayer, of this I have NO doubt. This is something that God gave to her and something we will never let her forget. We were left just as amazed as the doctors, maybe even more in awe of God than amazed. The kind of awe that levels you to your face right then and there and brings tears of thanksgiving to your eyes. It still does!

She now carries the tiniest scar behind her right ear and she knows what it means. It means God loves her. No matter where she is in her faith she knows that at one point in her life a huge amout of God's people came together and prayed to our heavenly Father for a miracle and He gave it to her. That is HUGE! As her parents, we can't thank everyone enough. We wanted to share this, to tell everyone that BIG miracles like total healing do still happen. God didn't reserve those for just biblical times; He hears our cries and heals. Our humble hearts rejoice daily with this and we hope that our story brings you not only a smile but also a deeper trust in the Lord for your worries. Send your worries to Him and He will listen.

Natalie will return to the ENT in November for a recheck appointment. I hope that she can be a witness to God's love and healing power to all the doctors and nurses we have talked to. Our God is victorious!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Celebration Story From the Steigengas

About two months ago we were contacted by some friends who had a little over $1,000 in their TRIP account (Tuition Reduction Incentive Program for Christian schools). They have since decided to not send their kids to Christian school and wondered if we were interested in buying their account from them for $800. This would mean we get a reduction and they get money they otherwise would have had to let go of. We decided to say yes. However, we are seriously working on being debt free, so we don't have $800 right now. We decided to ask if we can work out a payment plan with them. They said, "Of course! We are just happy it's going to someone we know." Together we decided on $400 now and $400 in January. To be honest, coming up with $400 would be a stretch for us but we continued to pray about this. As it turns out, the next weekend we were having a garage sale. I have never made over $100 at any of my sales but we decided to simplify our lives. We planned to sell a lot of things we haven't used in the last year and started praying that we would make $400 at our sale. At the sale, I had decided that if people offered less on an item I would always say yes and hope that in some way we were blessing them through that. So our last day of the sale comes and we closed and I started counting the money we had made. I just about fainted when I counted $400.91! I think I counted it five times. Where in the world did the 0.91 come from? This amount was in addition to the money we paid for advertising or for the change we started with. $400.91 was all profit! God is so good and He has proven over and over again that if we are in debt to no one but Him, He will provide and maybe even give us a little extra. I REALLY enjoyed that Slurpee that I got for 0.91. Praise God!

John 15:17 "This is my command: Love each other."

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Celebration Story From the Dozemans

We wanted to update everyone on how we are doing. We received the autopsy results from Kaden and the cause of his death was placenta related. Basically the placenta failed him due to extra chromosomes in it. Our doctor was shocked and told us this happens once in thousands of pregnancies so it's not common. We are thankful to receive answers and that it is something rare and not related to what happened with Grace. We are praying that we will continue to walk by faith in His timing for another little one to raise. Thank you for all your prayers and support, it means so much to us. We are so thankful that we serve a God who is able.

I started a blog at for anyone who would like to follow our journey.

Celebration Story From Rene' Baird

My oldest son and his wife are experiencing their first pregnancy. They have an adopted son from Guatemala as they thought they wouldn't be able to have children naturally. He is 34 and she is almost 34. We are so excited by this miracle from God. Also, our lawn had become a jungle and the shrubbery and garden were hopeless. Last night I came home and our lawn was mowed, the shrubbery pruned, and the garden weeded. Our neighbors had done this for us. Apparently they had seen me sitting out back on our deck in the backyard crying a couple of nights. I didn't realize anyone could see me there. Anyway they wanted to do something for us. Please ask God's blessing on them.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Celebration Story From Dick and Sue Richards

I just have to tell this because it is so awesome and a real celebration. As many people know, we raise our granddaughter Alyssa. She is legally blind. When she was first born we took her to Grand Rapids Ophthalmologist to see a pediatric ophthalmologist. She told us that Alyssa was blind and would never be able to drive, read, etc. A good friend of ours is a firefighter for the City of Walker. He contacted a friend who is an eye surgeon in New York and a surgeon at Will's Eye Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was told that we should take Alyssa to Dr. Peters on Cascade Road where she would receive the same treatment that would be given at Will's Eye Institute. We have been going there for 5 years now. Dr. Peters told us that Alyssa does have some vision but what she has is limited. He doubted she would ever be able to drive. Through out this all, Rich has been laying hands on Alyssa periodically and praying with her, along with others from the church. A couple of weeks ago we took her to Dr. Peters for a checkup and he was amazed with how well she was doing. He said that she may someday even be able to drive! You can imagine how happy we were to think that this little baby that one doctor said would never be able to read or drive has come this far! This definitely is a God thing. God does work miracles and she is our little miracle girl. We are so thankful that God has given her to us. We are asking everyone to pray for her as we keep moving forward. This is a big step for all of us. Thank you!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Celebration Story From Sue VanderWiel

I have seen God at work through the new awareness of prayer at EGM. I praise Him for His presence and moving us into prayer on a deeper level. I praise Him for sending so many out to pray during the 24 and 40 hours of prayer. I praise Him for hearing our prayers and answering so quickly. Those who were without jobs, God has opened doors! He is faithful and provided. I also praise Him for the opportunity to pray for the lost this past year.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Celebration Story From Anonymous

We are celebrating that we as a family took the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Univeristy course and we are almost debt free with the exception of our house. Since attending the Dave Ramsey course a year and a half ago we have not missed a week of tithing, we have sent our daughter and son to a Christian school and have the tuition paid off, we went on a 10 day mission trip, and we have not used a credit card in 18 months. Truly something to celebrate!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Celebration Story From Jan Stravers

Eighteen women just completed a 12 week study with Beth Moore on the book of Daniel. We learned a lot and also found out how much we didn't know (about history, prophecy, and end times). We were also challenged to continue to study and look at the different ways of interpreting these matters. We learned that our society is much like Babylon's culture with an "it's all about me" mentality and were inspired to try to make a difference in this culture in which God has placed us. The words from the old song mean a lot more to us now!

Dare to be a Daniel; dare to stand alone. Dare to have a purpose firm; dare to make it know.

Celebration Story From Jeff & Rebecca Steigenga

Here are the things that the Steigenga family is celebrating:

I, Rebecca, am celebrating that in the last year I not only figured out what I really enjoy doing but I also presented EGM with the idea of an events coordinator. I use that term loosely and it just so happens that planning and coordinating events is what I LOVE doing. EGM has provided the opportunity to use this passion to help out. Now I am able to use the talent God has given me to help EGM.

As a family we have grown in our faith through so many things. We took a step of faith and signed up for the yearly mission trip to Colima, Mexico. We were blessed beyond messure by that trip.

As small group leaders we have seen our group grow in ways we would never have imagined. We supported a family from our group that was in an accident, we have studied the Bible as a group, we have been involved in almost all volunteer events at EGM as a small group, and we have already started the steps to birthing our group. In the last year we have celebrated the wonder and joy of our small group.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Celebration Story From Melissa VandenHoek, Director of KIDS HOPE USA

A kindergarten teacher had referred two girls to KIDS HOPE USA. Both had "lost" their daddies. Shaina's daddy had died; Cheri's daddy had been sent to prison. "These girls needed mentors," the teacher observed, because they had "holes in their hearts."

Months later, this educator observed, "I have been a teacher for 40 years. I know who will make it and who won't. Shaina and Cheri are going to make it."

This year, KIDS HOPE USA began providing special training for mentors matched with children of incarcerated parents. You can help by praying for these seriously at-risk children and for the strength of the relationships they build with their mentors.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Celebration Story From Jen VanBeek, Middle School Director

On the weekend of March 13th, 10 students and 4 leaders headed to Spring Hill Camp in Evart, Michigan for the middle school winter retreat. We had a great time together creating memories that will last a lifetime. We worshiped together, grew more in our faith, and formed some great community within the group. Students had a blast doing adventure activities, playing in a 3 on 3 tournament, as well as tubing down a huge snow hill. We celebrate and thank everyone for the prayers and financial contributions that provide great opportunities for our middle school students to grow in Christ here at EGM.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Celebration Story From Jeff & Rececca Steigenga, Colima, Mexico

We are blessed beyond measure to spend ten short days in Mexico. Thank you, thank you, and thank you again for your prayers, for your financial support, and for caring for us and what God is doing through us. There were two verses that really encouraged us through the week. The first is from Psalm 24:1 "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein." And the second is from Isaiah 6:3, "And one called to another and said, 'Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory."...We saw children who would otherwise be on the streets who instead have been given a chance to grow, learn, and praise the God who created them.

Celebration Story From the Mexico Service Project Group

The service project crew returned tired but encouraged last week after 10 days at Colima and Esperanza, Mexico. They completed the brick wall in Esperanza and began laying brick on the second floor of the orphanage. Thanks for your prayers for them and your generosity. The money you provided paid for materials and will nearly finish the 2nd story. Thanks again for your help.

Celebration Story From Sally VanEss, Children's Ministry Director

Those who have served our country in the military were honored in a special way a few weeks ago. Our W.A.Y. kids and their leaders, along with many parents, spent one of their lesson nights doing just that. They drove out to the Veteran's Facility in Grand Rapids and brought with them smiles, excitement, snacks, and bingo prizes. Some handed out prizes, some helped with snacks. At the end of the night the kids got in their cars and told us "we had fun!" And while we had fun, the veterans felt honored that our W.A.Y. kids took some time out to spend with them. We celebrate the prayers and financial support we have here at EverGreen that make this type of ministry possible!