Thursday, May 14, 2009

Celebration Story From Sue VanderWiel

I have seen God at work through the new awareness of prayer at EGM. I praise Him for His presence and moving us into prayer on a deeper level. I praise Him for sending so many out to pray during the 24 and 40 hours of prayer. I praise Him for hearing our prayers and answering so quickly. Those who were without jobs, God has opened doors! He is faithful and provided. I also praise Him for the opportunity to pray for the lost this past year.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Celebration Story From Anonymous

We are celebrating that we as a family took the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Univeristy course and we are almost debt free with the exception of our house. Since attending the Dave Ramsey course a year and a half ago we have not missed a week of tithing, we have sent our daughter and son to a Christian school and have the tuition paid off, we went on a 10 day mission trip, and we have not used a credit card in 18 months. Truly something to celebrate!